Jeanette Burnor
Utility Clerk
201 N. State St.
Knob Noster, MO 65336
Phone: 660−563−2595
Fax: 660−563−5634
Additional Information
Jeanette Burnor
Utility Clerk
201 N. State St.
Knob Noster, MO 65336
Phone: 660−563−2595
Fax: 660−563−5634
Knob Noster provides trash, water, and sewer utilities to residents, and those utilities are overseen by the Utility Clerk. The responsibilities of the Utility Clerk are:
A refundable deposit is required for all water service:
Bills are due the 15th of each month. Late fees are applied on the 16th. Service shut off occurs on the 26th.
Section 715.100Actual Rate Structure.[R.O. 2012 §715.100; Ord. No. 681 §IV, 6-3-2003; Ord. No. 908, 12-3-2024]
A. Each user shall pay for the services provided by the City based on their use of the water system as determined by water meter(s) acceptable to the City.
B. All monthly user charges will be based on monthly water usage.
C. The minimum charge for:
1. City resident customers per month shall be twelve dollars and sixty-five cents ($12.65) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons. In addition, each user shall pay a user unit charge of four dollars and fifteen cents ($4.15) per one thousand gallons thereafter.
2. Outside City limits customers per month shall be sixteen dollars and forty-eight cents ($16.48) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons. In addition, each user shall pay a user unit charge of seven dollars and ninety-eight cents ($7.98) per one thousand gallons thereafter
D. The user charge rates established in the Article applies to all users of the City's water system.
E. A minimum month charge shall be billed for each dwelling unit including each residence, each unit located in a duplex, occupied mobile home park lot located within a mobile home park, each occupied apartment located within an apartment building, or a residence, and each business.
F. Where a single meter exists for multiple dwelling units or business, a minimum charge shall be billed for each dwelling unit or business occupied and/or in use at the time meters are read each month. All gallons shall be billed in accordance with the applicable rate schedule (residential/non-residential).
Section 710.110 Sewer Unit Rates .
[R.O. 2012 §710.110; Ord. No. 731, 12-6-2005; Ord. No. 783, 6-16-2009; Ord. No. 793, 4-20-2010; Ord. No. 909, 12-3-2024]
A. Business unit rates are hereby established for usage of the City of Knob Noster sewerage system as follows:
Monthly User Fee | $10.41 | |
Usage Rate | $1.85 for first 1,000 gallons usage | |
$0.18 per 100 gallons usage thereafter |
B. Residential unit rates are hereby established for usage of the City of Knob Noster sewerage system:
Monthly User Fee | $10.41 | |
Usage Rate | $3.51 for first 1,000 gallons usage | |
$0.35 per 100 gallons usage thereafter |
Trash pick up days are Tuesday through Friday. You may call City Hall to find out which day your part of town is serviced.
If you need a replacement trash container please call - GFL at 816-380-5595
If unable to make payment during City Hall's hours of operation, you may put the payment in the drop box. This drive-up drop box is located in the City Hall parking lot and is painted blue or set up your account at the top of this page.