Additional Information
Snow Removal Information
During winter weather events, when snow accumulates on the streets, the City will make every effort to ensure snow is removed in a safe and timely manner.
Street Snow Removal
When snow accumulation is 3 inches or more, the Knob Noster Street Department begins plowing the primary roads, followed by the secondary and side streets. MoDOT is responsible for snow removal on State Street, McPherson, and 23 Highway. Plowing along the streets may result in snow deposits on the roadside and driveway entrances, so unless it is necessary, residents are encouraged to wait until the snowplow comes through their road before shoveling the end of their driveway. The City does not have the resources to clear snow from individual driveway entrances.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
Property owners (business / residential) and tenants are responsible for timely snow removal on sidewalks in front of their businesses and residences to ensure pedestrian safety and minimize liability.